Group retirement plans

SAGE Insurance and group retirement is committed to diligently serving our group pension clients by offering them programs that are high-performing yet easy to administer.

Our team will skillfully guide you so that you are able to provide your employees with the group pension plan design that works best with your company’s needs and budget. Our dynamic approach will make employees aware of the importance of saving for their retirement. We make available all the resources they need to achieve their goals.


Our advantages

  • Comprehensive analysis of your needs
  • Quotes from multiple insurers
  • Quick and easy implementation
  • Pension plan administrative support
    Application and monitoring of compliance regulations / Performance analysis / Recommendations on plan changes
  • Suite of personalized employees services
  • Meetings upon plan enrolment or change of suppliers
  • Personalized analysis of financial needs for retirement
  • Retirement preparedness seminars
  • Access to exclusive add-ons
  • Free liability insurance for employee benefit administrators
  • Human resources support at no charge

Available products

  • Voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP)
  • Group registered retirement savings plan (Group RRSP)
  • Group tax-free savings account (Group TFSA)
  • Deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP)
  • Simplified pension plan (SIPP)
  • Individual pension plan (IPP)
  • Registered pension plan (RPP)

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